I took a trip to the Biergarden in Asbury Park and tried different beers. This Milk Stout caught my eye because it tasted like coffee and the label design (of course) so I had to take pictures. First off... there is a cow on the beer which makes no sense, totally random, another reason why I like it. But the typography is curvy using capital and lower case letters throughout giving it movement between the letters. The white type on the royal purple background makes the type stand out. There is a pattern in the background that would clash if the type was a different color. The pattern is curves and entwines overlapping with other lines. My favorite letter is the M because of how the top part does not touch the two vertical lines. The air between the letters is small but is just enough that from far away you can still make out what letter it is. It letters are decorative which continue down to the bottom where the saying is. It is a small point size which fits perfect in line with the length of the cow. Continuing around the bottle, the ingredients and information about the beer is written in sans serif capital letters and bold. Again white type of purple background but it is separated into sections to break down the information. An icon is used to show how to properly drink this beer. The type starts out around 12pts then gets smaller to 7/8pts at bottom. This is one of the first beers I've seen that includes their social media tags. The design is overall beautiful yet playful and yes... it was delicious!
- Alyssa D'Urso
Does the top of the M remind anyone of milk splashing? So what about this cow? Does the name of the company, "Left Hand Brewing Company" shed any light on the cow? Does one milk a cow with their left-hand?